
10 Reasons Why I Hate Customers

Why i hate customers
Written by Benny Koteeni

Why I Hate Customers

In the business world, there are two interesting sides to every transaction. On one hand, there is the business owner and on the other is the customer.

For ease of interaction between these two, fostering a mutual connection that supports the venture and the client’s interest is important.

Top echelons in the market strata know that a good business structure is held by its service delivery methods, and amongst these criteria, the service rendered to a client or customer is of utmost priority. 

Though the customers are the end-users of most products and services, a positive relationship with the brand owners engenders a cohesive front.

As retail personnel in an ever-busy industry, connecting with customers has been the hallmark of my job description.

The truth is that most of this service interaction is interwoven, spanning access, delivery, and satisfaction, which is the main objective of every business.

The essence of a customer is entrenched in the fabric of an organization’s performance bookmark as their patronage promotes productivity and goal-oriented objectivity.

When my bed alarm goes off and I set out for work, a string of emotions is triggered as I prepare for the task of the day.

A feeling of excitement flutters around as I squeeze into my pants and shirts. My face is graced with a huge smile as I stare at the mirror, and my crested name beams at me.

Then, grabbing my bag and heading to the bus stop to catch a bus to work, a knot forms in my stomach, tightening and squeezing out the excitement as my mind replays the dozens of customers that I must meet daily.

 From the straight-faced individuals showing up at the counter to the passive courteous ones thronging the departmental store aisles, every day, the storm is brewing with a cocktail of personalities fresh off the street.

Sometimes, this brew of cocktail is served hot, a mixture of potion that scalds the tongue.

There are customers that walk into the store and leave you with a note of peace, while there are others who are like hurricanes, carting away everything in their sight.

Most of the time, I am torn between the dispense of my job and the service feedback provided by the customers. I hate customers who opine that they are always right regardless of the narrative.

It is safe to say that the assumption being peddled by many customers about having statutory consumer rights even in the face of gross misconduct and negligence is appalling, and I hate customers who contribute to these statistics.

Saddled with a designated role that is laden with a customer representative task, I am besieged with a lot of queries from the moment I assume my desk till the time I close the register.

I can give a million reasons for being enthusiastic about my job, but there are also countless points that support the reasons why I hate customers.

Though I am driven by the need to provide a seamless service to our teeming customers, sometimes, I’m surfing on a mood board created by a plethora of disgruntled customers.

In my retail service job, it is not every time that we get commended for our duties, though most of us have earned the staff of the month award on several occasions, a badge which applauds our perfunctory roles. 

Cheers to the customers who appreciate our tenacity and offer us a remark of appreciation, but there are those who try to make mince out of your efforts. These are the people that really give me a bad day, and I hate customers that do that.

A survey of sales personnel and customer service representatives has revealed that many of the people working in these career fields start to show signs of exhaustion after some period at work.

Some other workers also experienced burnout and detachment from work, a situation that is caused by the irritability emanating from some customers that patronize their products or services.

I hate customers that make me feel inept at my job, and they do this through various methods. Well, here are my reasons

Top 10 Reasons Why I Hate Customers

Customers With A Sense Of Entitlement

Ever heard the phrase “customers are always right”? Well, I bet you have. These types of customers are wired with a sense of entitlement.

They walk into the store and expect you to sip from every cocktail of nonsense that they brew. The problem with their purchase becomes a personal issue.

Even when you are trying to offer a solution, they expect you to wave a magic wand and fix the problem without getting involved.

They tend to shove the above phrase down your throat anytime there is an issue, even if it’s their fault. These customers like to seek attention and are quite vocal about unnecessary things.

Here is a tip for you, please try and remain calm and collected during the entire conversation. This can be hard, especially when the job expects you to be of good conduct and treat the customers nicely.  

The Customer With The Superimposed Features

I hate customers with the superimposed features because they just make you feel so irrelevant and small.

They walk into the store and head for the counter to make a request, and a closer look at their frame reveals earphones or headphones draped over their auditory organs.

They are either screaming their voice out when conversing with you or using some sign language they believe you ought to understand.

Making gestures with their hands and nodding at intervals, they turn you to a stooge, dishing command prompts in anticipation of a response.

Sometimes, some of them are like tribal gods waiting to receive oblations, and you are obliged to make sacrifices regardless of your stance.

The Bargaining Bounty

So, this customer enters the departmental store, strolls into the aisle, loads the shopping cart and then waltzes back to the counter, trying to negotiate the items with an affixed price.

 Suffice to say that these customers are aware of the worth of goods in their cart, yet they breathe down your neck with a bargaining interaction that hinges on price reduction.

Sometimes, I just want to scream the word “I am not the manager”, but then it is momentary petulance that I indulge for the sake of the job.

I hate customers that employ this bargaining bounty method because they implore you with their eyes and seek a discount that you cannot afford.

The funny part of it is that they raise the items in the cart and examine them like someone threw them into their shopping carts and forced them to make a payment.

Well, here is a tip that might help you, kindly ask the customer to review the items in the cart and then keep the worth of goods that they can purchase.

The Indecisive Shopper

Get ready for this one because they are as ridiculous as their name implies.

There is nothing wrong in asking for help with regards to the position of an item in the store, but when a customer delegates the shopping decision to you, then that is a situation.

They put you in a dilemma, asking for which color you would prefer to the fragrance you would wear but wait a minute! They are the ones making a purchase and not you.

They get to the aisle, pick an item, and walk up to you, demanding what you would prefer if you were in their shoes.

There you are, stunned and compelled to make a spur of the moment decision for a stranger that probably has a diary filled with preferences tucked away at home.

Some of these customers end up leaving the shop without making any purchase, perhaps a method employed for window shopping.

The Budget Pimp

I hate customers who act like they are on a budget yet show up in a store, filling up the trolley with items worth thousands of dollars and when they get to the counter to make payment, they act like the amount is way too expensive for the purchased items.

They stare at a long list of budget breakdowns and hope for a discounted price for all the items they have picked off the shelf.

They mutter incoherently about the economy and bug you with their budget analysis. You are drawn into an episode of financial outburst, a scenario that compels your contribution and sympathy.

The Territorial Customer

These customers are quite invasive with their presence, forging closure irrespective of the subtle warnings issued either by signs or verbal communication.

They enclose you in a non-contact embrace with their gestures, especially when making a request. 

I hate customers because they flutter around you with permissive motives and shadow you as you work.

Most of them throw hygiene ethics out of the window as they strut around, coughing and sneezing without regard for other shoppers, dispersing germs at will.

The Loud Mouth Customer

Customers who walk into the office with a loud means of expressing their points and positions often times get on my bad side. Sometimes It is safe to say that as a business owner or employee, these kinds of customers are very common.

I hate customers who have a loud mouth, and also cannot be corrected. They make it look as if they cannot be within an environment without creating a scene.

Also, i hate customers like this because they cannot be corrected.

Do you Know Who My Father is?

If only I hat a dollar any time i heard this phrase. I hate customers who assume they’ve got the right to talk or treat others in a certain manner simply because they’ve got well established parents.

I am of the opinion that your parent’s wealth has absolutely nothing to do with you except for the fact of parenthood.

I hate customers who cannot seem to find some form of belonging without the involvements of their parent figure.

The Clown

Drum roll

This set of customers get my prize.

I hate customers who walk into my office and try to be funny. If I wanted to get some laughs, I’d probably go to a bar where stand up comedians try to build their careers. That seems like a more appropriate place to unwind.

The Non-Tipper

This one may sound petty but, I can’t hold it anymore. I hate customers who cannot show a little act of kindness by just dropping a tip. Sometimes giving a tip helps the worker feel special and it motivate them to serve you better.

I hate customers who don’t have any regard for motiving factors such as tips. Motivation is one very effective means of encouragement that prompts anyone to do work better, and more efficiently. However, you don’t get to see that with every customer.


The reasons why I hate customers are not peculiar to me alone, although my points stem from a place of personal experience that is totally different from yours.

It is an established fact that customers are an integral part of every business, but when the relationship between the customer and the brand owners is strained, the level of performance might be undermined.

Now that you know why I hate customers, also feel free to read about how to quit your job and also how to make money without a job. they were made especially for you.

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